Weapon Displays, just like in Skyrim, hold weapons you place on them. They will take the weapon currently in the player's hand. If it is filtered, then it will look in the player inventory for it, and you don't need to have that item equipped.
There are different racks for each weapon type.
- Ammo
- Bows
- Battle Axes
- Claymores
- Daggers
- Longswords
- Maces
- Shields
- Short swords
- Staves
- War Axes
- War Hammers
Note: For Arrow displays, you have the option of placing either one arrow or a full quiver (ten arrows). If you are dropping off display items at the Display Ledger (See Collection System), it will first check if it can place a full quiver, and if it can't, it will take one arrow.
Weapon Racks are activators that you place in your house. If you are not planning on using the Collection System, or do not plan on making them appear or disappear, you can just place them, and make them Persistent References, and that is all you need to do. However, if you do plan on doing either of those things, parent them to a Room Marker in your Network Cell (see House Network).
Item Filter
Weapon Racks can be filtered to only accept specific items. Adding a filter automatically makes them part of the Collection System, as long as they are parented to a Room Marker (see Collection System).
To filter a display, place the item you want to filter for in the same cell, and parent it to the weapon display. Do not make that item a Persistent Reference. If the item you want to filter for is a leveled item (several versions of the same item), just place and parent each item to the same display.
Any item used as a filter will be sent to a reference holding cell as soon as you first load into the cell in game, so as to not clutter the cell with extra items.
Once filtered, the weapon rack will change its name in game, when the player looks over the display.
Weapon Plaques
Because the activators are invisible, it is up to you to create a visible indicator that the display is there. ODOS provides basic weapon plaques, two sizes in 4 colors (red, green, blue, and wood). Those models are static objects, and do not have any collisions, so as to not interfere with the activators.
ODOS also provides a circular metal "hook", to add a bit more realism. It is also a static object with no collisions, and you can place it however you want.
Advanced Placement
You may want to have more control over the placement of a specific filtered item. ODOS has a system for advanced placement.
Once you have a weapon rack set up with an item filter, place the item exactly where you would want it to appear (you will probably have to move the weapon rack activator). If it is a leveled item, only position one of the items.
Once it is placed where you want it, open its properties, make it a Persistent Reference. The script will recognize that Persistent item, and will position the activator there before the item gets sent to the holding cell. In that way, you can control the exact position of a filtered item.