Bookcases are simply a way to easily store books in a visually pleasing way. Similar to the bookcases in Skyrim, activating the furniture will open a container in which you place the books you want displayed, and they will automatically be placed on the shelves for you to read or pick back up. You can also re-activate the bookcase to pick up the books currently on the shelves.
Note: Bookcases are for bulk storing books, not displaying specific books. As such, you cannot filter bookcases, and they do not work for the Collection System. Use the book displays instead if you want to add books to the Collection System.
Similar to the Book Displays, the books on the bookcases keep their havoc state so as to place themselves properly on the shelves, since books come in many sizes. They do warp back into place if they go too far from their original positions.
Bookcases consist of two parts: the Furniture Activator, and the Bookcase Markers.
Furniture Activator
ODOS provides many different models for the bookcase furniture, but it is easy to create new ones. Create an activator with the model of your choice, and make sure to attach to it the "ODOSBookcase" script.
Book Marker
The Book Markers are activators that are parented to the furniture activator. Each marker is the placement of a book, and adds another inventory slot to the bookcase. You can have as few or as many book markers as you wish, and place them however you want!
Note: Make sure to use the activators called ODOSDisplayBookcaseMarker, not ODOSDisplayBook, which is used for the filtered Book Display.
To create bookcases, place in your cell a furniture activator, make it a Persistent Reference, and parent it to a Room Marker. Then, place a book marker, and parent it to the furniture activator.
Note: Oblivion stores child references in no particular order, which means books will be placed at random on the shelves. If you want to have a sorted bookcase, you need to use single book markers with filters.
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