About ODOS

ODOS is a framework that enables modders to add displays, bookcases, storage systems and collection systems to their house mods.

It's features are:


- Drop-off Chest: A container that will sort items in it, sending them to the storage system.

- Filtered Storage Access by item types: Alchemy Apparatus, Ammo, Books, Notes and Journals, 1H Blades, 2H Blades, 1H Blunt, 2H Blunt, Bow, Clothing, Cutlery, Dishes, Drinks, Food, Gems, Heavy Armor, Ingredients, Jewelry, Keys, Light Armor, Light Sources, Misc Items, Poison, Potions, Scrolls, Shields, Sigil Stones, Filled Soulgems, Empty Soulgems, Staff, Varla Stones, Welkynd Stones

- Dynamic Visual system with "static" objects.


- Items are frozen in place, so they don't fly off. The script is very performance friendly.

- Simple drag-and-drop step to add to any home.

- Ability to take and drop items directly from the display.

- Automated display drop off point

- Ability to parent displays to enable state markers, to make them work with purchasable upgrades

- Dynamic script that can easily be added upon, making patches simple.

- Mannequins for armors

- Skyrim-like bookcases

- A Legacy of the Dragonborn style display that keeps track of all possible items to display, automatically display things for you, and tell you what items are missing.