Storage System

 ODOS provides a storage system with an auto sorting feature. It consists of 3 parts:

  • The Main Storage Chest
  • Drop-Off Chests
  • Access Points

Main Storage Chest

The main storage chest (ODOSStorageMAIN) is placed in the Network Cell (see House Network). Make sure to mark it as a Persistent Reference.

It is where all your items are stored.  


Drop-Off Chest 

A Drop-Off Chest is a container that drops any items placed in it directly into the Main Storage Chest. You can place as many of them as you want. 

To create a Drop-Off Chest, place it in your house, make it a Persistent Reference, and parent it to a Room Marker

ODOS provides one model of Drop-Off Chest, but you can easily make your own. Simply create a container with the model of your choice, and apply the script called "ODOSStorageDropOffChestScript" to it. 


Access Points

As the name suggests, Access Points are the way the player retrieves items from storage. They retrieve specific item types from the main storage chest.

Access Points can be either a container or an activator, and have any model you want, so long as it has the right script attached to it. The script names all have the format "ODOSStorageAccess<type>script".

To create access points, place one in your cell, make it a Persistent Reference, and parent it to a Room Marker

When creating a storage system, you must use every type of access point at least once! Failing to do so will mean you won't be able to retrieve certain items you place in the Drop-Off chests!


There are 32 types of accesses:


  • Clothing
  • Jewelry
  • Light Armor
  • Heavy Armor
  • Ammo
  • Bows
  • One-Handed Blades
  • One-Handed Blunts
  • Two-Handed Blades
  • Two-Handed Blunts
  • Staves
  • Shields 


  • Alchemy Apparatus
  • Ingredients
  • Poisons
  • Potions
  • Scrolls
  • Soulgems - Empty
  • Soulgems - Full
  • Sigil Stones
  • Varla Stones
  • Welkynd Stones


  • Books
  • Notes and Journals
  • Cutlery
  • Dishes
  • Drinks 
  • Food
  • Gems 
  • Keys
  • Light Sources
  • Misc (everything else)


COBL Compatibility

ODOS is compatible with COBL's Alchemy Sorter. It will automatically detect if COBL is installed, and will switch certain Access Points to use the COBL sorter instead. All items are still stored in the main storage, as usual. 

The Access Points affected by coble are:

  • Ingredients
  • Potions
  • Poisons
  • Scrolls
  • Food
  • Drinks