Wednesday, March 20, 2024

ODOS - Unique Displays Tutorial

 This took much longer than planned, and I was delayed. But here's another tutorial. This time, it is for other filtered displays (misc items, books, and another way to display armor). Next will be bookcases (different from individual books)

Saturday, March 9, 2024

ODOS - Mannequin Tutorial

 Well this was much faster than weapon racks! There only was one small bug to fix, and the video was easy. Feel free to watch how to make mannequins as I get closer and closer to release!

Friday, March 8, 2024

ODOS - Weapon Rack Tutorial

 As I am getting closer and closer to release, I've started making tutorial videos, and testing at the same time.

I have uncovered some bugs (some very strange bugs...) which I have fixed, and I am sure I'll discover a few more before the end. 

But! I have now uploaded the first tutorial video, about Weapon Racks. Even though the mod isn't out yet, people can have a look and see how easy it is to set things up with ODOS.