Saturday, December 23, 2023

ODOS Update

In light of making ODOS a standalone modders resource, enabling everyone to put displays in their own mods, I had to make a few modifications to the scripts. 

One of the main issues with the current system was that you could only have one display "network" (can't think of a better word) for the entire game, which meant that if, for example, you had displays in the house in Chorrol, and then went to your house in Skingrad, those displays would be showing too, even though your items were all the way in Chorrol!

But I've done some rewriting, and here are the changes:

- You can now make as many networks as you want, each house can now be independent.
- Much more modular. For example, in your mod, you just want to have displays where you can pick up and drop items on the shelves? Just put the display activators and parent them to a storage chest, and you're done! Your house has purchaseable upgrades? Just parent that chest to whichever reference is the enable/disable trigger for said purchase. Want to have the whole deal, with the auto drop to displays? You can do that too!
- You can now split display storage into smaller sections, like rooms, for example. This will lead to better performance, since updating the displays for that one room won't trigger a massive check of everything in the system.

One last thing I wanted to do with the rewrite was to remove steps needed for modders to make display systems work. So as a result, my beautiful 'one script to rule them all' had to go. Now, each display has its own unique script. Basically, they are the same script, save for a few lines regarding which items they are supposed to display. 

I know it sounds like more steps now, having to make a unique script per item, but the result is that when making your own mod, it will take fewer steps to get things working. I'll be putting detailed instructions with the mod files when I release the mod.

That is basically it for the display part of ODOS, but I still need to finish up the storage system part of the mod. Will be updating once that has made progress!


  1. Do I understand correctly that storages can contain only those things for which markers are installed in them?

    1. Sorry for the very late reply! This is out of date, but the way the storage system works now is there is a main storage chest that is in a network cell, and all items are deposited in it. When you use access chests, it will grab from the storage chest any items that fit the access parameters, and place it in the container. So for example, if you open up the light armor access chest, it will grab any light armor in the main storage. Once you are done, all those armors are then placed back into the main storage. There are many different access chests for different item types. Makes sense?
